Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ways To Build Your Self-Confidence Naturally!

A few ways to boost your self-confidence naturally.

1. Dress like a million bucks and you will feel like a million bucks. Dressing nice will have a direct impact on your self-confidence. If you look good, you feel good and you'll get noticed.

2. Challenge yourself every day into doing something that you have been willing to do but were afraid to. If you wanted to ask that cute girl out for coffee then go ahead and do it! If you lack courage today, try again tomorrow! Eventually you will have enough self-confidence to do it.

3. Walk fast and maintain a good posture. People who walk fast are busy people with lots to do and the self-confidence to do them. By maintaining good posture you'll project self-assurance that people will recognize and they'll have a good attitude towards you.

4. Speak your mind. When you are with colleagues or in a public gathering, don't be afraid to speak up! By doing so you will have more confidence in yourself and become a better public speaker.

5. Be a front row sitter. When you go to school, church or any public forum, sit in the front row! That will bring attention to yourself and that way you'll develop more self-confidence and self-assurance.

Get your Fix of self-confidence today! Start early and enjoy the rest of the day with more self-confidence and self-esteem!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

You Can Change, If You Believe!

Personal growth and development is a process and those seeking to effect changes in their lives know that real success comes from changing their thought first. However, many find this not to be quite as simple as it first appears. The movie, "The Secret" brought much attention to the Law of Attraction and many people have embraced the concept, but the movie was not intended to be a full course on how to change your life, rather just an introduction to the Law of Attraction concept.

After watching the movie many were thinking that all they needed to do is think their way to a new life and success. The management of your thinking is key to your ability to make changes but certainly not all there is to it. It doesn't help that their are self improvement teachers focusing mainly on the changing of your thought without delving into the other deeper aspects. This simplified version of The Law of Attraction focuses only your conscious thought, and does not delve into the power your unconscious thought holds over your everyday thought, feelings and behavior.

Your unconscious thought plays a major role in your overall thinking, and most influential are your beliefs. You hold deep seated beliefs that were set up usually without your conscious awareness, and are deeply integrated into your automatic operating system. These beliefs define exactly how you view yourself, the world around you, people and anything else you are in contact with. How you perceive everything, how you react to it and the actions you take are totally regulated by a set of firmly anchored unconscious beliefs.

Read the whole article...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Dealing With Self-Esteem Issues!

Situation that we should be aware of for the sake our self esteem. Beware of “dog eat dog” theory where everyone else is fighting just to get ahead. This is where non-appreciative people usually thrive. Stay away from it, it will ruin your self esteem. Competition is everywhere. Be healthy enough to compete, but in a healthy competition that is good for your self esteem.

People that you associate with can have an impact on your self esteem. Bulldozers, brown nosers, gossipmongers, whiners, backstabbers, snipers, people walking wounded, controllers, naggers, complainers are people to avoid at all cost.

It’s okay to cry and show a few tears once in a while when we experience pain. But don’t let pain transform itself into fear. It might grab you by the tail and swing you around. Treat each failure and mistake as a lesson. A lesson learned is a lesson that will strengthen your self esteem in one or another.

Questions that you sometimes, may wonder about, if some people are born leaders or positive thinkers. NO. Being positive, and staying positive is a choice. What is self esteem ? Building self esteem and drawing lines for self improvement is a choice, not a rule or a talent. God in is greatness give us the choice and we are in control, we decide whaterver we want for ourselves then we reap the rewards or the consequences.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

5 Ways For Young Adults To Keep Their Self-Confidence in an Insane World!

Looking at Bar Refaeli picture on the cover of 2009 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue will make young and older men want to whip out their wallets and buy the magazine to get a better look at this beauty while younger girls who doesn't have the so called ideal attribute to model for such a coveted media may feel deprived and that alone can have a big impact on their self-confidence in their young adult life. These teens in order to grow and become successful adults must learn to accept their genetic and the way they are made physically. Thanks God, there are more and more magazines such as Vogue and Glamour featuring models of different size and ethnicity.

On the men side, action figure heroes have always been depicted as tall and well built men such as 6 foot 4 Christopher Reeves in Superman and tall and very muscular Arnold Schwarzenegger in Conan. Young adult men under 6 feet would have their ego terribly shattered at the notion that they were not fit to be a superhero. The very
thought that their own kids could not possibly see them as a role model for a fictional action movie can have a terrible effect on their self-esteem and self-confidence.

That model too is changing with the release of Spiderman, wonderfully played by Tobey Maguire, who at 5 foot 9 is closer in height and can relate more to the average male. At last, an action hero can be of average height. An action hero can finally look like the everyday common man not overly tall and not too short either. That action hero can also have a great looking girlfriend in the like of Kirsten Dunst who doesn't need six inches stiletto heels to feel comfortable around her man.

5 Ways to instill self-confidence and self-esteem in our children from an early age?

1) Remind them to be thankful for what God gave them! They may not have the good looks that Hollywood or Sports Illustrated are looking for but by searching deep within their soul, they would find their inner gift, their true gift, which
they can nurture and share with the world.

2) Teach them to respect and help their fellow citizen! When you teach your children to respect others, specially elderly people, you are teaching them to be a positive force in the world and that will help boost their self-confidence. Helping a blind person to cross to the other side of the street is a feeling that they have done a
good deed and that should develop long lasting confidence.

3) Teach them to always keep a positive attitude! It is not always easy to keep a positive attitude all the time but the mere idea of always trying will etch a pattern in the brain that is necessary for self-confidence. There is nothing
wrong in looking sure of yourself! Never allow anyone to make them feel inferior. Always speak positively about themself.

4) Teach them that no one is perfect, we all have insecurities. Even the most successful person have insecurities. They have overcome their insecurity in order to become successul. Once you have identify your insecurity, find a way to gradually get over it and move on.

5) Teach them to always be themself! Every one is unique. They can have someone that they like, such as a role model but in the end they have to let the world see their own self. They have to let their star shine!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Self confidence - Start Now Or...

Stop thinking that the world is closing in on you. Get determined to achieve what you desire. Stop blaming other people for your misfortunes. The world is not your problem, you are your own problem.

From this moment on, begin the process of self-confidence improvement. Think the right way and be determined to win, and you will win. Just remember that success never comes easily and that is why determination is its best friend.

Oftentimes, one gets to the brink of success and with just a little disappointment or setback, they lose heart and give up too easily and too soon. A surefire candidate to low self-confidence improvement. Who knows what great things might have been achieved if only they had persevered.

Without a high self-confidence, your life could be rather boring. Change your thinking and begin to see yourself on top of the world. Make a very special effort to be what you really want to be. You have to seriously decide either to remain in a miserable state of low self-confidence, or acquire self condidence improvement and develop a high self confidence and self esteem with good character and self image.