Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ways To Build Your Self-Confidence Naturally!

A few ways to boost your self-confidence naturally.

1. Dress like a million bucks and you will feel like a million bucks. Dressing nice will have a direct impact on your self-confidence. If you look good, you feel good and you'll get noticed.

2. Challenge yourself every day into doing something that you have been willing to do but were afraid to. If you wanted to ask that cute girl out for coffee then go ahead and do it! If you lack courage today, try again tomorrow! Eventually you will have enough self-confidence to do it.

3. Walk fast and maintain a good posture. People who walk fast are busy people with lots to do and the self-confidence to do them. By maintaining good posture you'll project self-assurance that people will recognize and they'll have a good attitude towards you.

4. Speak your mind. When you are with colleagues or in a public gathering, don't be afraid to speak up! By doing so you will have more confidence in yourself and become a better public speaker.

5. Be a front row sitter. When you go to school, church or any public forum, sit in the front row! That will bring attention to yourself and that way you'll develop more self-confidence and self-assurance.

Get your Fix of self-confidence today! Start early and enjoy the rest of the day with more self-confidence and self-esteem!